Download Stool Withholding: What To Do When Your Child Won't Poop! (USA Edition)
Download Stool Withholding: What To Do When Your Child Won't Poop! (USA Edition)
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Stool Withholding: What To Do When Your Child Won't Poop! (USA Edition)
Download Stool Withholding: What To Do When Your Child Won't Poop! (USA Edition)
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Amazon Reviews from the UK/Europe Edition:Â "Stool Withholding: What To Do When Your Child Won't Poo!":Â "Fantastically helpful. Best advice we have come across on the subject - and we have seen health 'professionals'! Highly recommend this book."Â JÂ "Buy this book - I have followed it for two weeks now and my daughter (3 and half) is now going to the toilet and pushing her stools out. We seriously didn't know what to do and have just decided to follow it and it has worked!" AÂ "A great self help book. With so little help out there, I found this book invaluable in dealing with my 3 year old daughters stool withholding issues."Â KDÂ Â "Such a relief to know I'm not the only one trying to figure this out. Thank you so very much for writing this in a clear and concise way, not too much jargon which meant that despite being stressed about it all I still took in all the advice and support being offered. Highly recommended."Â GDM
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About the Author
Sophia Ferguson has a degree in Psychology, a Masters in Applied Social Research and a great interest in all things medical and psychological.She can be contacted at:
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Product details
Paperback: 94 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 (USA) edition (February 9, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1505202140
ISBN-13: 978-1505202144
Product Dimensions:
6 x 0.2 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 6.9 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.3 out of 5 stars
23 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#292,923 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
This book is a must have for all caregivers dealing with this issue. I bought this book at a last ditch effort in trying to understand and help my son. Although I haven't had it long enough to really implement changes, it has definitely helped my husband and I get a grip on things and understand a bit more. This book is written such a way that I imagine anyone who's going through this will find it relatable. I highly recommend it to parents, teachers, daycares ECT.
Unfortunately I struggled with this problem with my son. The book was certainly very helpful in understanding the underlying issue of stool withholding and it gives good advice for resolving it and also provides tips for successful potty training. The author definitely knows what she is talking about as she went through the same problems with her child. It's an easy read; I read it in a little more than one day, while home with my child and in between the normal chores.
An absolute lifesaver, thank you for writing this book and not only making me realize that my child is not struggling to go several times a day but struggling to hold. I’m eternally grateful to have figured this out now at just past 2 years old but before we start potty training. I have spent so many days so frustrated at his constant poopy smell from just a small amount of poop passing. I also want to just say that you have also given me recognition and relief from the realization that I myself suffered for YEARS and even into adulthood with withholding. I just thought I had gastric issues and had tried everything in the book. It wasn’t until I was pregnant with my 2nd child and terrified of reliving a horrific constipation issue I had with my first that my dr assured me I could take up to 4 stool softener pills everyday of my pregnancy with no consequences. I did this and Now realize after reading your book that that’s how I finally trained my body to stop unconsciously holding. I’m so relieved to have found your book and be able to help stop this cycle with my son before it starts because it does cause psychological anxiety and distress in my experience. A billion thanks and I know how brave and dedicated one must be to put together their experience into something useful for others so I see you and commend you!
This short book seriously helped us. We were so frustrated with our 8 year olds stool withholding that we had no idea what to do. She just kept holding on out of fear that it "would hurt" because of hard stools, only then she would have messes in her underwear and pain to boot. Thank you for good advice which has us in a much better place now. Also thanks to Milk of Magnesia and Mira-lax.
This book just works! After a year of poop accidents and not understanding what was going on or what exactly to do, my 3.5 year old went from poop accidents everyday, to none within 10 days of following this book. He's maybe had 2 incidents in the 2 months since starting the program. It's a miracle. There may be some other books that are more thorough out there, but this one is short and sweet and effective which worked for us, being a busy working mom with two little ones in preschool. It explains the mechanics of what's happening when a child is stool-withholding, just enough, so that you can fix it. A life-saver!
This book was a quick and easy read, but it was packed with information that helped my wife and I feel much better that our son isn’t the only one going through this. Not only did it provide that comfort, but it also had a clear and simple “Magic Formula†to help your child overcome this problem involving a steady dose of laxatives, change of diet and daily potty sits. Anyone who feels helpless like my wife and I have recently will benefit from reading this book.
reading this book was like reading my own kid's story. not sure if it's going to solve our issue but the reassurance alone was worth the price. ignore the reviews that say this is a waste of money. if you're going through this problem, there is a lot of explanation and advice in the book that i found super helpful. our pediatrician wasn't a 10th as helpful as this book was.
Just the right, step by step advice I needed for my 3 year old who occasionally gets constipated and holds his poo. At the advice of this book I saw a Pediatric GI and now we have a clear plan for how to help my son not to hold anymore and to move on with toilet training. It will take time, but we now have a plan.
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